By Linda Lindquist

If you do not have a backup copy of your computer files and pictures, you are at risk of losing them all. Too many computer users lose their personal files because they do not have a backup copy. It is heartbreaking!

Why back up?

Your files are stored on your computer’s hard drive. Hard drives have a lifespan of 3-7 years before they crash. When they crash, computers often do not start up. Sometimes your files and pictures can be retrieved from a crashed hard drive, but there is no guarantee. When you have a backed-up copy of your files and pictures, they can be copied to a new computer and you are back in business.

Backup fundamentals – the 3-2-1 Rule

The 3-2-1 Rule is a way to secure your personal files from loss.

Where to back up

Copy 1 – these are the files on your hard drive.  A copy can be synced to the Microsoft OneDrive.

Copy 2 – could be manually copied to an external hard drive periodically. Any files and pictures added or modified since the last backup may be lost because they are not on the backup. Put a manual backup in your schedule once a month!

Copy 3 – could be automatically copied to a backup service, such as Carbonite. All added and modified files and pictures are in the backup.

The cost of backing up.

The cost of not backing up.

The cost of not backing up is the potential loss of all your personal files and pictures.

Contact Linda to discuss your backup strategy and implementation. You will have a lot more peace of mind knowing that your personal files and pictures are secure from loss.

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