The scammers are on the hunt looking to part vulnerable senior citizens from your money.
Scammers buy e-mail delivered scams from other scammers – ones that have already worked. Scammers buy real e-mail address that have been hacked from e-mail address books, like AOL, Yahoo. Then the scammers “run” their scams.
These scams are often received in your e-mail inbox or junk folder. You may receive several a day. The e-mails alert you that your protection or support service from Norton, McAfee, or Geek Squad has expired and your credit card has been charged $299 / $399 / $ more. Chances are you do not even have that protection service now! The e-mail gives you a toll-free number to dispute the charge.
DO NOT CALL. DELETE THE E-MAIL. The e-mail is a scam. Should you call the number, the scammer talks to you, talks their way into your computer, and tries to up-sell their support services to you. They then input malware on your computer to snoop and steal your identity.
Beware of these e-mail scammers.
I am committed to protect your computers at an affordable price. Thank you for trusting me to keep your computers healthy. Contact us at 239-567-0104 to renew your protection software, to join our monthly training program “Learn Computer 101”, or to schedule computer and printer help. Be well.
By Linda Lindquist, January 16, 2023