I have been deep into the process and actions of decluttering and “simplifying” my home and office for most of 2023. This was necessitated by a flooded bathroom and 28 boxes of my Mom’s stuff landing everywhere in my home! Everywhere, I have been creating space for what’s important and getting unneeded and unused “stuff” out of my home. I have been putting what I want to keep in the places where I will look for it first.

Recently, I was setting up a client’s new laptop and installing her printer. She asked me “What do I do with this stuff?  Do I need it?” opening up a couple of drawers and a cabinet door in her desk. They were filled with cords, cables and various technology things. I found myself, with my newly learned decluttering skills, helping her.

This was my advice (and what we actually found and did). The process used is thanks to Dana K. White’s book “Decluttering at the Speed of Life”:

Trash: Look for and toss or recycle …

Put Away: put items you would use and want to keep where you would look for them first …

Donate: Usable items that you will no longer use ,,,

What’s Left: Ask two questions …

  1. If I wanted this, where would I look for it first? Go put it there!
  2. Would it even occur to me that I have this? If not, donate it.

Container Concept: put like things together, but not more than fit in the container (drawer, shelf, box, etc.)

The entire process took less than one hour, resulting in …

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By Linda Lindquist,  January 22, 2024


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