What is Q&A with Linda?

Q&A with Linda started one year ago at the suggestion and urging of some of my clients who wanted more of my time and the ability to ‘pick my brain’ for answers to their specific computer questions on a regular basis. Thus began the monthly membership service. Members and I meet once a month over Zoom on the second Friday every month from 11:30 – 1:00, during which I discuss and demonstrate the answers to the questions they submit during the month.

Members receive written answers to the questions covered and a video replay of the Zoom session. They also have access to a password protected part of my website only for members where they receive bonus material that I do not make generally available, such as presentations, copies of my books, tip sheets, etc. The membership is priced at a discounted 50% of my hourly rate, or $30 a month.

Invitation to ‘try out” Q&A with Linda

If you have computer-related questions that you would like expert, easy to understand answers to, then Q&A with Linda may be just the thing for you.

I am opening up the August 13th session for a ‘free trial’. I only do this once a year. Once you attend this session and like it, then you can request to become a member.

Limited Time – Contact Linda before August 8th
This limited time offer is only good until Sunday, August 8th.

To ‘try out’ Q&A with Linda, e-mail your request and the questions you’d like answered to QAwithLinda@gmail.com before Sunday, August 8th and I will add your email to receive the Zoom link for the August 13th Zoom session.

I encourage you to take advantage of this limited time offer. I look forward to welcoming you to ‘try out’ and becoming a member. Current members say they find the service valuable and continue to submit questions and interesting suggestions for topics even after a year of attending.

I am committed to protect your computers and bring you value at an affordable price. Thank you for trusting me to keep your computers healthy. Contact us at 239-567-0104 when it is time to renew your protection software, or if you need computer and internet help. Be well.

By Linda Lindquist, July 26, 2021 https://www.computerandinternethelp.com/contact-us

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