Cyber crime, ransomware, and security breeches of cities, hospitals, universities and infrastructure seem to be in our news almost daily. These security breeches have become a $100 billion “industry” , complete with “customer service and collections” departments, conducted by the online, organized crime bad actors. They are hard to find and prosecute because they operate overseas.

The increase in cyber crime is because it is easier to be a cyber criminal. Kits to run scams are available for sale on the “dark web”; they include everything needed to run their e-mail phishing and cyber scams. This is why you see multiple e-mails in your junk folder that look the same as others. E-mail profiles of real people are also for sale to cyber criminals on the “dark web”. The e-mail lists are posted from address books that have been stolen from hacks of e-mail service providers.

You may be thinking – “The cyber criminals are not interested in an individual computer user like me.” The fact is that families are 30% more likely to be victims of fraud. Identity theft may take 100-200 hours of effort to resolve.

It is important to raise your awareness of cyber crime, cyber security, the risks you may face, and simple things you can do to protect yourself. Cyber security awareness will be the topic of upcoming articles from Computer and Internet Help during 2022.

I am committed to protect your computers at an affordable price. Thank you for trusting me to keep your computers healthy. Contact us at 239-567-0104 when it is time to renew your protection software, or if you need computer and internet help. Be well.

By Linda Lindquist, January 3, 2022

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