Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday in May to honor and remember the men and women who have died while serving in the United States military.  It’s time for us to come together and reflect on the sacrifices that they made to defend our freedoms, country, and constitution.  


The origins of Memorial Day can be traced back to the aftermath of the Civil War.  In 1868, General John Logan declared May 20 as “Decoration Day”, a day to decorate the graves of war dead with flowers.  Over time, this tradition grew and evolved into the Memorial Day we observe today, to honor those who gave their lives in service to our country.  


Some ways to honor our fallen heroes: 

  • Visit a local cemetery or war memorial, and place flowers or a flag on the graves of those who have served. 

  • Participate in a local Memorial Day parade or ceremony. 

  • Take a moment of silence to pay tribute to the brave men and women who have given their lives to our country. 


As we celebrate the official start of summer with friends and family on this long weekend, let us take a moment to also remember the true meaning of Memorial Day, honoring our heroes with gratitude and appreciation for their sacrifice.  Let us strive to uphold the values of freedom and justice that they fought and died to defend. 


Although I have never served in the military, I am combating the Cybersecurity enemies who are trying to invade your home computers to steal your money and identity. I am happy to serve your computer needs this Memorial Day and all year. 


I am committed to protecting your computers at an affordable price. Thank you for trusting me to keep your computers healthy. Contact us at 239-567-0104 to renew your protection software, join our monthly Learn Computer training programs, or schedule computer and printer help. Be well.  


By Linda Lindquist,  May 27, 2024 
