Backup Your Phones and Tablets

These days, many of you use your smart phones (iPhone, Androids) and tablets (iPad, Androids) instead of your computers. You need to backup these devices in case your phone or tablet stops working or is lost. With backup enabled, your apps, photos and...

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Backup Your Computer

The reason to backup your computer is to NOT LOSE your personal documents and pictures, if your computer crashes due to power surges, floods or hard drive failures.   To be most secure, keep 2 extra copies of your personal files, one copy off...

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Backup Workshop

If you have ever experienced a crashed computer or a lost smart phone, you intimately understand the pain and grief associated with the loss of your personal files and information. Wouldn’t life have been a lot better if you could have secured...

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Independence Day

On July 4, 1776, to protest taxation without representation, 56 representatives to the Continental Congress from 13 colonies ratified the Declaration of Independence of the United States, announcing the American colonies separation from British rule....

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Florida is a tropical climate. It rains in the summer. It really rains - every day like clockwork from June to September. The skies get black. The rain pelts down hard; sometimes you cannot see the road in front of you when driving. Lightning strikes...

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Power Rebooting Your Router

The most frequent calls that I receive during the summer are resolved by power rebooting the modem. Your Wi-Fi router may appear to be working OK because some of your devices can access the internet. Yet, some of your other devices, such as your Wi-Fi...

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Yes, I am away from Florida and its heat for the summer. Yes, Call me if you need computer support. As long as your computer turns on and you have working internet, I can service your computer remotely.   I use a secure remote support program...

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I have been working on a new computer training program for you. I am very excited about the content, the schedule and the favorable response from my clients. This is the last week for you to enroll in this training. Details: Love Your Computer...

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Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday in May to honor and remember the men and women who have died while serving in the United States military.  It’s time for us to come together and reflect on the sacrifices that they made to defend...

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Computer Skills You Need to Love Your Computer

Is this you? Many of my clients are so frustrated using their computers that they just “want to throw the danged thing out the windowsd and into the lake!”. They don’t know how to make their computer do what they want. They ask me...

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Summer Schedule

As many of you know, I take a summer sabbatical each summer to create new products and services to bring you more value. This summer, I am in London, Ontario from June 3 through September 18.   While I may be away from Florida, I can service...

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Beware of Fake Windows Tech Support Scammers

The most frequent call I receive is from clients who fall victim to fake Windows Tech Support scammers.   SYMPTOMS: The scammers may capture your attention by unsolicited phone call or a pop-up on your computer.  They intend to scare you...

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Simplifying Folders

When you have more than nine (9) files in a Library, it can be hard to find the file you are looking for. Folders are a way to create personalized, named containers for your files, putting like items together (e.g., Community, Family, FL House,...

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Downloads Folder

The Downloads folder is a special part of the Library system on your Windows computer. It is a storage container that is used when you open an attachment in your e-mail, download a bank statement, download an application installation program,...

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Earth Day

EARTH DAY - RESPONSIBLY RECYCLE YOUR ELECTRONICS Electronic devices have become a part of our lives, homes, and offices: computers, laptops, tablets, printers, scanners, fax machines, monitors, printers, TVs, cell phones, Alexa, Ring door bells,...

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Libraries and Folders

Windows comes with a built-in structure to help you organize your personal information into containers by type of file in a LIBRARY system. FILE EXPLORER You can see the Libraries by clicking on the icon on your taskbar that looks like a manilla...

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Simplifying Files and Folders Workshop

I am excited to announce the second hands-on workshop for 2024.  TOPIC: Simplifying Files and Folders WHEN: Friday, May 10, 2024, 2:30 - 4:30 pm (2 hours) HOW: on Zoom from your computer COST: $50 If you have trouble finding documents and...

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Staying Safe Online

Staying safe online is crucial in today’s digital age.  Here are some tips to help you stay safe online:  Passwords: Use strong, unique passwords for all of your online accounts, and do not share them with anyone.[Text Wrapping...

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Traveling with Your Devices

As you prepare to travel, you may want to take along your laptop, tablet or smart phone in order to stay connected. When traveling, you want to protect your devices from theft and damage and have them functional for use when you arrive at your...

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Preparing to Go North

It is hard to believe that the “season” for snow-birds is coming to an end for another year. Many of my clients are relocating to their other home “up North” from their Florida “seasonal” home. Some transport their...

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Learn about phishing, scams, ransomware and how to protect yourself and your computer from hackers and cyber-criminals.

Learn about phishing, scams, ransomware and how to protect yourself and your computer from hackers and cyber-criminals.