You are in my prayers for your continued well-being during this stay at home age of the COVID-19 coronavirus.  Who could have envisioned life as it is today?  Such depressing news: Quarantines, non-essential businesses closed, many people unemployed, 100,000 dead, riots!   I continue to be well, washing my hands often, keeping a list of the few people I see, wearing a mask when I do, and limiting my outings to the grocery market, gas station and pharmacy.

Servicing your computers remotely and renewing the software licenses that protect your computers from malware has worked well.  For the few computers that were ‘dead on arrival’, I successfully ordered and set up refurbished business computers for my clients who report being thrilled with the cost and fast speed of the new computers.  I have answered short questions on the phone at no charge. I appreciate you for choosing me to keep your computers healthy.

States have started to relax stay at home directives and open more businesses to kickstart our economy, despite the coronavirus still being a likely threat to our health.  I asked our Florida State Representative, Dane Eagle, “How would I know if it is safe to return to servicing computers in the homes of my senior citizen clients?”  He said to continue working from home if possible.

So, I have decided to err on the side of caution and continue my business in a work from home remote support mode for another four months, until at least October.  I appreciate your understanding and ask you to call to schedule an appointment for computer service, annual checkups, and security product renewals.

I am at your service to help with your computer and internet needs.  Be well.

Linda Lindquist
Computer and Internet Help