Your McAfee Has Expired ???

The most frequent call I receive these days are from panicked clients who have received an e-mail stating that their McAfee anti-virus has expired, their computer has hundreds of viruses, and they owe hundreds of dollars to renew - if they just click a button or call an 800 phone number.


The clients ask, “Is that what you put on my computer?

NO. I install Emsisoft anti-malware to protect your computers.


NO. The McAfee e-mails are phishing scams intended to scare you to take action. By hovering your mouse over who sent the email, you will see it did not come from an e-mail address. You are likely to get the same email multiple times, because multiple scammers have bought the template and procedure to run this same lucrative scam.


What you can do:

  • l Report the e-mail as abuse
  • l Do not call or click on buttons or links inside the e-mail
  • l If the e-mail is in your inbox, mark it as spam or junk
  • l if you want a second opinion, forward the e-mail to
  • l If it is in your spam or junk folder, just delete the e-mail


I am committed to protect your computers at an affordable price. Call 239-567-0104 to join our new monthly training program “Learn Computers 101.”  Thank you for trusting me to keep your computers healthy. Contact us at 239-567-0104 when it is time to renew your protection software, or if you need computer and internet help. Be well.


By Linda Lindquist,  August 22, 2022